Gregor Prugger, born in 1954 in St. Ulrich/Grödnertal, spent the early years of his life in his father’s sculpture workshop, becoming familiar with sculpture from childhood. After attending art school in St. Ulrich and obtaining his diploma as an art teacher, he went to Florence to attend the Art Academy, where he studied sculpture under the guidance of Professor Gallo. Following his studies, he returned to Val Gardena and taught visual arts at the middle school in St. Ulrich. After his teaching career, he completed an apprenticeship in his father’s workshop and earned the title of master woodcarver.
At the age of 25, he acquired his own workshop and began his career as a freelance artist. In the 1980s, he joined the Arte Visive group in Bolzano along with other fellow artists, participating in several exhibitions both in Italy and abroad. During the same period, he was an active member of the Circle for Art and Culture in St. Ulrich, a culturally significant institution in South Tyrol.